PRIVATE CLIENTS Performance Coaching & Alexander Technique
Roman Stahlman Actor
Kajsa gave me valuable tools to deepen my physical acting work and in specific jobs raise my role performances with those important last percent. Straight and clear, but not without warmth and goodwill, Kajsa gave concrete feedback on how I maintain the role more dynamically and with greater freedom (alternatively availability). She also gave general tips on the relationship between stillness and movement, as well as bringing yourself to and grounding yourself in role interpretations instead of trying to strip oneself away. Invaluable insights I would not have been aware of without Kajsa's expertise. In addition to specific role work, we worked with movement qualities based on Laban Efforts and Alexander Technique. Tools that I now have great use of in character work and that I recommend all actors to learn.
Nidia Martínez Barbieri Dancer
When I met Kajsa I needed to have a space for myself and to be in contact with my body, sensations, thoughts and emotions. So, after an Alexander lesson [at Danscentrum Syd] I decided that Kajsa would be the right person to guide my process. Kajsa's empathy, sensitivity, and sense of humor made me feel comfortable and embraced, which was exactly what I needed. The fact that she was living abroad made an extra point because she also could relate to the experience of being an immigrant. The sessions had flexible frame and an open dynamic, so it was possible to change direction and creating a new path when was needed. Some of the achievements were that I became more aware on how my own thoughts and ideas on "how to do" some dance movements interfered in the execution of them. Also, I realized how much the body alignment influenced [in] the receptiveness of information in the interaction with others, even while reading an email. By being aware of those aspects I could explore other ways of talking to myself and with others, which was helpful and meaningful to my life.
Claire Nichols, 34 Artist & Alexander Technique Teacher, Graduate of Peter Nobes’ South Bank Alexander Technique Teacher Training
It has been a real privilege and pleasure to work with Kajsa over the past five years. From the outset, I found her inspiring and energising - her passion for the technique made a real impression on me and I am very glad that she continued to guest teach during the time I went from student to teacher.
Kajsa's energy is infectious. Her playfulness is not only an important tool for learning, it comes from a genuine lightness of being and a curiosity which it is impossible not to pick up on and join in with. Kajsa truly teaches the Alexander Technique by her own lived example; she has been a key influence for me in how to take play seriously!
Kajsa always creates a safe environment in which to test ideas; experiment, fail, wonder and learn. She has helped me and others to do this in practice and not in theory: working with Kajsa, a student becomes the centre of their own learning, working through activities that they have chosen and taking ownership of the process, with her support. When I first experienced this, I was a little daunted, but I have come to see that the autonomy Kajsa teaches - a sense of responsibility for one's own self - mind and body - activates a genuine freedom of choice that is the key to getting off autopilot.
Watching Kajsa teach on her most recent visit, I was deeply struck by how much she achieved by doing so little. She spent time patiently listening to and being with a student, compassionately, and supporting them with her own awareness, presence and observations. She neither fixed a posture or movement, nor sought to give the student 'an experience', rather I witnessed her facilitate real change through activating the student's own choice, awareness and inhibition - each student she worked with was glowing, coordinated and more alive as a result. Her work speaks directly, and in a very human way, to F.M Alexander's idea that the conscious mind must be "quickened".
Kerstin, 61 Works in healthcare Takes private lessons
After having tried, amongst other things; massage, acupuncture and tai chi; with good effect, but realized it required time of me, time I couldn't always allot, I began looking for a tool or a method that could be integrated in my everyday life. Something that is always with me and is applicable to both body and mind, something that can be used in as many different situations as possible and where I can put the training into the everyday activities whilst developing myself.
I found an article about the Alexander Technique and Kajsa in the paper Hallå Lund and decided to see if it was something for me. It is! Kajsa is a teacher with courage, patience, humor, warmth, knowledge and experience. She communicates the Technique in a way that adapts to the individual and is creative. The whole of me feels better as I learn and the Technique offers several possibilities for handling tension and blocks. In situations that has been and are difficult for me to handle, new paths are now opening.
The Alexander Technique is a method which gives time, not takes time, and gives me possibilities for continued whole development and integration.
I came to Kajsa first due to back-pain, which started going away already after the first lesson and after the third was non-existant. I got help with how I could move when I work with my arms above shoulder height, which was one of the reasons for extra tension in back and shoulders. I was suprised with the efficiency of The Alexander Technique and believe everyone ought to learn this in school.
The work has given me more freedom of movement and flexibility in both body and mind. I breathe more freely and experience more calm and spontaneity in myself which, amongst other things, result in spontaneous song. It feels good to have a greater availability to how I think, move and express myself.
I recommend both the technique and Kajsa for their common ability to meet you where one is and with understanding, warmth and humor invite to see oneself with full acceptance.
AT ZEN WORKSHOPS Collaboration with Zen Coach Nina Irenedotter
The prescense of the leaders was fantastic... The method felt super effective, the sensory imprint was strong! I felt filled with enery after the session and slept long and deeply that night. - Andreas
I celebrate your energy and clarity. I celebrate your warmth and that you, via two dialects Zen Coaching and Alexander Technique, listen to the subtle whispers of the heart. - Jonas
It felt luxurious to get to have the attention of two during my session. It is unusual I think, that there are two, which makes it special. And double great!... I would gladly participate again! - Susanna
The day after I used ’ping!’ All the time. Felt heavenly good, it makes me conscious of where me and my body is right now! - Linda
Interesting workshop, I experienced a very free and kind atmosphere with the course leaders, who could both listen and give answers to my questions. It made it easy for us in the group to listen and relate to eachother, and the conversations felt universal, there were insights to collect from each persons story and feedback. I would warmly recommend the course for everyone who wants to find a new openness in relation to oneself and others, and who can see the connection between the psychological and the physical. The workshop clarifies this connection through Nina and Kajsa's different entry points.
Anonymous, 39, Actor
I work actively with discovering my old thought patterns, to calm them and be in my own feelings. To keep a more even balance in how I feel and stand more firmly in what is me. My power, my courage, and my light. Today I got to share confirmation in that I am on the right track and that I got wind of something. I got help with thinking how I should look at what the body is telling me. How stress is expressed in me. I felt I will keep using and answering the questions we together asked eachother. That I clearly answered to the longing in myself in a clear way. That I could feel all my emotions and where I was in a way that is hard for me otherwise. I absolutely recommend this method. Foremost for the validation that we are part of a real and present "we". We wrestle with similar things and with hearing other's stories I felt both less alone but also more involved in the forward movement of others and a part of important work. Something that doesn't have to happen in isolation.